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How to Calculate In-Hand Salary for a CTC of 18 LPA: A Step-by-Step Guide with Examples

Last updated :
March 10, 2024

minutes read

When it comes to job offers, one of the most important factors for most people is the salary package. However, it's important to understand that the salary offered is not the same as the in-hand salary that you will receive every month. This is because your salary package is usually given as a Cost to Company (CTC), which includes various components such as basic salary, allowances, performance-based incentives, and retirement benefits. To calculate your actual in-hand salary, you need to understand the deductions that apply, including taxes, Employee Provident Fund (EPF), and other benefits.

In this article, we'll walk you through how to calculate the in-hand salary for a CTC of 18 LPA (lakhs per annum) and help you understand how taxes, EPF, and other benefits impact your take-home pay.

Understanding CTC and its Significance

Before diving into the calculations, it's essential to understand what CTC (Cost to Company) means. CTC represents the total amount a company would spend on an employee in a year. It includes every component – from the basic salary to allowances, benefits, and bonuses. While CTC gives an overview of the total package, the in-hand salary is what an employee receives monthly after deductions. Let's break down the various components of CTC and understand how they contribute to the in-hand salary.

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Here is an approximate calculation:

Basic Salary

This is usually around 50% of the CTC. In this case, the basic salary would be 50% of 18 LPA, which is 9 LPA.


This includes various components such as House Rent Allowance (HRA), Conveyance Allowance, and Medical Allowance. Assuming these allowances amount to around 30% of the CTC, the total amount would be 30% of 18 LPA, which is 5.4 LPA.

Special Allowance

What is Special Allowance?

Special Allowance is an additional fixed sum of money given to employees over their basic salary. It's often provided to cover specific expenses or as a reward for exceptional performance. Unlike other allowances, there isn't a fixed criterion for its allocation, and it varies from one company to another.

Tax Implications

The entire amount received as special allowance is fully taxable. However, if it's provided for specific purposes like uniforms or travel, and the employee provides bills for the same, it can be exempted from tax.

Bonus – A Performance Incentive

Understanding Bonus

A bonus is a monetary reward given to an employee over and above the regular salary, often for achieving certain performance metrics or milestones. It can be fixed or variable, depending on the company's policy and the employee's performance.

Taxation on Bonus

The entire bonus amount is fully taxable. However, if the bonus is received from a former employer, it's taxable in the year of receipt, not in the year of accrual.

Professional Tax - A State Levy

What is Professional Tax?

Professional Tax (PT) is a tax levied by the state governments in India on salaried individuals, professionals, and trades. The amount and method of calculation vary from one state to another, but it's deducted from the employee's salary every month.

Tax Limit

The maximum amount of professional tax that can be levied by any state is INR 2,500 per annum. It's essential to check the slab rates of the specific state you're working in to determine the exact amount.

Tax Exemptions - Reducing Your Taxable Income

Understanding Tax Exemptions

Tax exemptions are deductions allowed on specific income components, reducing the total taxable income. These exemptions can significantly lower your tax liability, ensuring you retain more of your hard-earned money.

Common Exemptions

Some of the common exemptions include House Rent Allowance (HRA), Leave Travel Allowance (LTA), and Standard Deduction. It's crucial to provide the necessary proofs to avail these exemptions, like rent receipts for HRA.

Performance-Based Incentives

This includes bonuses and other incentives offered based on performance. Assuming this amounts to around 20% of the CTC, the total amount would be 20% of 18 LPA, which is 3.6 LPA.

Retirement Benefits

This includes the contribution towards the Employee Provident Fund (EPF) and other retirement benefits. Assuming this amounts to around 10% of the CTC, the total amount would be 10% of 18 LPA, which is 1.8 LPA.

Therefore, the total CTC would be:

Basic Salary + Allowances + Performance-Based Incentives + Retirement Benefits
= 9 LPA + 5.4 LPA + 3.6 LPA + 1.8 LPA
= 19.8 LPA

However, this is not the in-hand salary, as various deductions apply, including:

  • Taxes: Income tax is deducted from the Gross Salary based on the tax slab the employee falls under.
  • Employee Provident Fund: The employee contributes 12% of their basic salary towards the EPF, and the employer also contributes an equal amount.
  • Other deductions: This may include health insurance, life insurance, and other benefits offered by the company.
    Assuming these deductions amount to around 20% of the Gross Salary, the approximate in-hand salary would be:

In-hand Salary = Gross Salary - Deductions
= 19.8 LPA - 20% of 19.8 LPA
= 15.84 LPA

Therefore, the approximate in-hand salary for a CTC of 18 LPA would be around 15.84 LPA. However, this may vary based on the tax slab and the specific deductions offered by the company.

Read this guide to get a deeper understanding of the salary components.


What is CTC?

CTC stands for Cost to Company, which is the total amount that the company spends on an employee, including their salary, bonuses, and benefits.

Why is the in-hand salary different from the CTC?

The in-hand salary is the actual amount that you receive in your bank account after all the deductions, such as taxes and EPF, have been made. The CTC includes various components that are part of your salary package but may not all be paid to you in cash.

How do taxes impact my in-hand salary?

Income tax is deducted from your Gross Salary based on the tax slab you fall under. This can vary depending on your income level, as well as the deductions and exemptions you are eligible for.

What is EPF, and how does it impact my in-hand salary?

EPF stands for Employee Provident Fund, which is a retirement benefit that is contributed to by both the employee and the employer. The employee contributes 12% of their basic salary, while the employer contributes an equal amount. This deduction impacts your in-hand salary as it is subtracted from your Gross Salary.

How to calculate in-hand salary for a CTC of 24 LPA?

Assuming the components of the CTC to be similar to the previous example, here is the breakdown of the CTC:

Basic Salary: 50% of 24 LPA = 12 LPA
Allowances: 30% of 24 LPA = 7.2 LPA
Performance-Based Incentives: 20% of 24 LPA = 4.8 LPA
Retirement Benefits: 10% of 24 LPA = 2.4 LPA

Total CTC = Basic Salary + Allowances + Performance-Based Incentives + Retirement Benefits
= 12 LPA + 7.2 LPA + 4.8 LPA + 2.4 LPA
= 26.4 LPA

Assuming the deductions to be approximately 20% of the Gross Salary, the in-hand salary would be:

In-hand Salary = Gross Salary - Deductions

= 26.4 LPA - 20% of 26.4 LPA
= 21.12 LPA

Therefore, the approximate in-hand salary for a CTC of 24 LPA would be around 21.12 LPA.

How to calculate in-hand salary for a CTC of 10 LPA?

Here's the breakdown of the CTC:

Basic Salary: 50% of 10 LPA = 5 LPA
Allowances: 30% of 10 LPA = 3 LPA
Performance-Based Incentives: 20% of 10 LPA = 2 LPA
Retirement Benefits: 10% of 10 LPA = 1 LPA

Total CTC = Basic Salary + Allowances + Performance-Based Incentives + Retirement Benefits
= 5 LPA + 3 LPA + 2 LPA + 1 LPA
= 11 LPA

Assuming the deductions to be approximately 20% of the Gross Salary, the in-hand salary would be:

In-hand Salary = Gross Salary - Deductions

= 11 LPA - 20% of 11 LPA
= 8.8 LPA

Therefore, the approximate in-hand salary for a CTC of 10 LPA would be around 8.8 LPA.

How to calculate in-hand salary for a CTC of 2.4 LPA?

To calculate the In-Hand Salary with a CTC of ₹2.4 lakhs per annum, we need to consider the various components that make up the salary structure. Please note that the actual components may vary from company to company.

Here's a common breakdown, and we'll use this to calculate the In-Hand Salary:

Basic Salary:

  • Usually, it's around 40-50% of CTC.
  • Let's assume 50% for our calculation.
  • Basic Salary = 0.5 * ₹2,40,000 = ₹1,20,000 per annum

House Rent Allowance (HRA):

  • Generally, HRA is about 40-50% of the Basic Salary in metro cities and 10-40% in non-metro cities.
  • Let's assume 40% for our calculation.
  • HRA = 0.4 * ₹1,20,000 = ₹48,000 per annum

Conveyance Allowance:

  • This allowance is given for commuting expenses.
  • Assuming an allowance of ₹1,600 per month.
  • Conveyance Allowance = ₹1,600 * 12 = ₹19,200 per annum

Medical Allowance:

  • This is provided for medical expenses. It could be a fixed amount or a percentage of the Basic Salary.
  • Let's assume a fixed amount of ₹1,000 per month.
  • So, Medical Allowance = ₹1,000 * 12 = ₹12,000 per annum

Other Allowances: Some companies might provide additional allowances. For simplicity, let's assume no other allowances in this case.

Employer's contribution to EPF:

  • This is usually 12% of the Basic Salary.
  • EPF = 0.12 * ₹1,20,000 = ₹14,400 per annum
  • Deduct the Employer's contribution to EPF from the CTC: ₹2,40,000 - ₹14,400 = ₹2,25,600
  • Calculate the monthly salary before taxes: ₹2,25,600 / 12 = ₹18,800 per month

Tax deductions: With a monthly salary of ₹18,800, the annual income is below the taxable limit of ₹2.5 lakhs. Therefore, there will be no income tax deductions.

Employee's contribution to EPF: This is also 12% of the Basic Salary. So, monthly EPF deduction = (12% of ₹1,20,000) / 12 = ₹1,200

In-Hand Salary (monthly)

= Gross Monthly Salary - Employee's EPF contribution

= ₹18,800 - ₹1,200

= ₹17,600

So, with a CTC of ₹2.4 lakhs per annum, the estimated In-Hand Salary would be around ₹17,600 per month.

Keep in mind that these calculations are based on assumptions and may vary depending on the actual salary structure provided by the employer.

How to calculate in-hand salary for a CTC of 4 LPA?

let's calculate the In-Hand Salary with a CTC of ₹4 lakhs per annum. Here's a breakdown of the various components that make up the salary structure:

Basic Salary:

  • Usually, it's around 40-50% of CTC.
  • Let's assume 50% for our calculation.
  • So, Basic Salary = 0.5 * ₹4,00,000 = ₹2,00,000 per annum

House Rent Allowance (HRA):

  • Generally, HRA is about 40-50% of the Basic Salary in metro cities and 10-40% in non-metro cities.
  • Let's assume 40% for our calculation.
  • So, HRA = 0.4 * ₹2,00,000 = ₹80,000 per annum

Conveyance Allowance:

  • This allowance is given for commuting expenses.
  • So, Conveyance Allowance = ₹1,600 * 12 = ₹19,200 per annum

Medical Allowance:

  • This is provided for medical expenses. It could be a fixed amount or a percentage of the Basic Salary.
  • Let's assume a fixed amount of ₹1,000 per month.
  • So, Medical Allowance = ₹1,000 * 12 = ₹12,000 per annum

Other Allowances: Some companies might provide additional allowances. For simplicity, let's assume no other allowances in this case.

Employer's contribution to EPF:

  • This is usually 12% of the Basic Salary.
  • So, EPF = 0.12 * ₹2,00,000 = ₹24,000 per annum
  • Deduct the Employer's contribution to EPF from the CTC: ₹4,00,000 - ₹24,000 = ₹3,76,000
  • Calculate the monthly salary before taxes: ₹3,76,000 / 12 = ₹31,333 per month

Tax deductions:

  • With a monthly salary of ₹31,333, the annual income falls under the taxable bracket.
  • Therefore, the income tax deduction would be (5% of ₹1,76,000) + (4% of the tax amount) = ₹8,080 per annum or approximately ₹673 per month.

Employee's contribution to EPF:

  • This is also 12% of the Basic Salary.
  • So, monthly EPF deduction = (12% of ₹2,00,000) / 12 = ₹2,000

In-Hand Salary (monthly)

= Gross Monthly Salary - Employee's EPF contribution - Income tax deduction

= ₹31,333 - ₹2,000 - ₹673

= ₹28,660

So, with a CTC of ₹4 lakhs per annum, the estimated In-Hand Salary would be around ₹28,660 per month. Keep in mind that these calculations are based on assumptions and may vary depending on the actual salary structure provided by the employer.

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Key Takeaways

  • In-hand Salary vs. CTC: Your in-hand salary is the amount you receive after deductions, while CTC includes all monetary and non-monetary amounts spent on an employee.
  • Components of CTC: CTC comprises various components like basic salary, allowances, benefits, and bonuses.
  • Deductions: Deductions like Professional Tax, Provident Fund, and Income Tax can reduce your in-hand salary.
  • Tax Exemptions: Utilising tax exemptions like HRA, LTA, and Standard Deduction can help reduce your taxable income.
  • Tools for Calculation: Using a salary calculator tool can simplify the process of determining your in-hand salary.
  • Feedback is Crucial: Engaging with readers and collecting feedback can help refine content and address specific queries.

Note: The calculations provided in this article are based on general assumptions and can vary based on individual circumstances, company policies, and other factors. Always consult with your HR department or financial advisor for precise calculations tailored to your situation.

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Shuaib Azam
Shuaib is a Marketing & Growth lead at Hubble. When he isn't working on growth initiatives, Shuaib writes fiction and doodles space monkeys.

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