1.How long is the MyGlamm gift voucher valid for?
- The MyGlamm gift voucher is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase.
2.Can I use my accrued rewards to partially pay for a MyGlamm voucher?
- Yes, you can use a maximum of 10% of your accrued rewards when generating a voucher for MyGlamm.
3.How many virtual cards can I use in a single order for MyGlamm?
- You can club up to 5 virtual cards in a single order for MyGlamm.
4.Can I combine all brand funded offers while making a purchase with a MyGlamm gift voucher?
- Yes, all brand funded offers can be clubbed during the purchase using a MyGlamm gift voucher.
5.How do I redeem my MyGlamm gift voucher for online purchases?
- Open the app, select the items, choose Gift Card as payment mode, enter your code and PIN, and redeem. Pay the balance using other payment modes.