1.How long is the Yatra gift voucher valid for?
- The Yatra gift voucher comes with 6 months validity.
2.Can I use multiple virtual cards in a single order?
- Yes, you can club up to 3 virtual cards in a single order.
3.Are there any restrictions on using other offers with the Yatra gift voucher?
- No, no other offers can be clubbed while purchasing with this virtual card.
4.Is there a limit to the amount of virtual cards I can generate per month?
- Yes, the maximum amount of virtual cards that can be generated per calendar month is ₹25,000.
5.What are the steps to use the Yatra gift voucher online?
- Visit www.yatra.com, select your Flight/Hotel, choose Gift Voucher as your Payment Mode, enter your 16-digit Gift Card Number and 6-digit PIN, click on Pay Now, and pay the balance amount (if any) using other Payment Modes listed.