1.How long is the Zomato Dining gift card valid for?
- The Zomato Dining gift card comes with a 1 year validity.
2.What is the maximum amount that can be loaded per month into the Zomato Wallet using this gift card?
- You can load up to a maximum of ₹25,000 per month into the Zomato Wallet.
3.How can I use the Zomato Dining gift card online?
- Open the Zomato app, go to your Profile, click on "Claim gift card", enter the 16 digit card number and 6 digit pin, and use the amount at checkout.
4.Can I use Zomato deals and coupons along with the gift card?
- Yes, Zomato deals and coupons can be used along with the Zomato Wallet to save more.
5.Where can I get Zomato Dining gift cards at a discount?
- You can purchase Zomato Dining gift cards at a discount through the Hubble app.