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How are food delivery apps tackling food wastage?

Last updated :
March 10, 2024

minutes read

Feeding the Need, Not the Landfills: How Food Delivery Apps Are Combatting Waste

What if we told you that your midnight biryani order could help combat the growing food waste problem in India? Sounds unbelievable, right? Well, prepare to be amazed.

The Plate Half Full

Here's an alarming statistic - India wastes as much food as the United Kingdom consumes. In a country where millions go hungry, this is both a shocking and saddening reality. But who's to blame? While the causes are complex, one thing is clear: in our increasingly on-demand world, the rise of food delivery apps has inadvertently contributed to this problem. However, these very platforms are now turning the tables, developing innovative solutions to cut down on waste. So how are they doing it?

Don't Just Book It, 'Flash' It

The first strategy comes wrapped in a digital 'flash sale' format. Food delivery apps such as Swiggy and Zomato have introduced features that allow restaurants to list food at significantly reduced prices shortly before closing time. This not only prevents unsold food from heading to the bin but also offers consumers a great bargain. It's a win-win.

Delivery On Wheels

Leftovers at restaurants are often still safe and healthy to consume but aren't because of logistics. To tackle this, food delivery apps have started partnering with local NGOs and food banks. They're using their expansive delivery network to collect leftover food from restaurants and distribute it among the needy. This move helps bridge the gap between excess and need, putting good food to use instead of wasting it.

Pushing for Sustainable Packaging

Plastic packaging contributes to a significant part of the waste generated by food delivery. In response, delivery apps are promoting the use of biodegradable packaging materials. They're even offering incentives to restaurants who make the switch. This way, they're pushing for a reduction in the overall waste generated from food deliveries.

Educating Consumers

Apart from these strategies, food delivery apps are also utilising their platform to educate the users about food waste. Through in-app notifications, blogs, and social media posts, they're spreading awareness about the impact of food waste and ways to minimise it.

The Technology Card

AI and data analytics have proved to be game-changers in this space. Apps are now employing predictive analysis to estimate the demand for a particular food item at different times of the day, helping restaurants plan their inventory better and reduce surplus production. Also, with the help of AI, apps can optimise delivery routes for pickups and drop-offs of leftover food, thus reducing the environmental impact.

Conclusion: A Bite-sized Step Towards a Bigger Goal

Though the steps taken by food delivery apps are laudable, they are merely a drop in the ocean of the food wastage problem. There's still a long way to go and a lot to do. It will require a collective effort from the government, businesses, and most importantly, us as individuals.

But there's a silver lining. These initiatives are an indicator that businesses are recognising their responsibility towards the environment and society, and are willing to innovate and invest in creating a sustainable future.

So the next time you're ordering from a food delivery app, remember, you're not just satisfying your cravings but also contributing to a cause. It's high time we realise that food wasted is an opportunity wasted. It's time to make every bite count.

Enjoyed the read? Got a new perspective? Then why keep it to yourself? Share this article with your friends and family, and let's take the first step towards reducing food wastage together. Remember, every share can make a difference.

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