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A Guide to Starting a Family and Saving for Your Child's Future on a 20 LPA Salary: Financial Planning Strategies

Last updated :
March 10, 2024

minutes read

I. Introduction:

So, you're an ambitious young professional in India, earning a cool 20 LPA? First of all, congrats! 🎉 And guess what? We've got some fantastic news for you – we've designed this article with you in mind. From starting a family to securing your child's future, we'll be covering it all.

Family is the backbone of our Indian culture, right? We're all about getting together for festivals, sharing home-cooked meals, and of course, the endless conversations about when you're going to get married or have kids. 😄 So, now that you're on your way to building your own little family, let's make sure you're prepared to give your child the brightest future possible.

In this guide, you can expect to:

  • Get a grip on your finances
  • Construct a robust financial foundation
  • Strategize for your child's future
  • Master the art of work-life balance

So, pop some popcorn, get comfy, and let's dive into this adventure of planning your family's future together! 🚀

II. Understanding Your Finances:

A. So, you earn 20 LPA – what does it mean for you?

First things first, let's understand what 20 LPA means for you and your wallet.

1. Let's break down your monthly pay.

So, your annual salary is 20 lakhs, which translates to ₹1,66,667 per month. Not too shabby, right? But remember, that's your pre-tax income. We'll talk about taxes in a bit. Meanwhile, feel free to do a little dance to celebrate your hard-earned money! 💃🕺

2. Taxes are important too – let's plan for them.

As much as we'd like to avoid it, taxes are a part of life. According to the Indian tax slabs, your tax bracket falls under the 30% category. But don't panic! You can plan your taxes efficiently by investing in tax-saving instruments like ELSS, PPF, or NPS. The more you save, the more you get to keep! 💰

3. What are your financial goals? Let's list them out.

Now that we have an idea of your income, let's list out your financial goals. This could include buying a house, a car, or starting a family. Don't forget to include short-term goals like that Goa trip you've been dreaming of! 🏖️

B. Time to evaluate your financial situation.

With your goals in mind, let's take a closer look at your financial situation.

1. Assets and liabilities, let's list them.

Alright, it's time to lay your financial cards on the table!

Let's start by making a list of your assets (think savings, investments, and that cozy little apartment you bought) and liabilities (like those pesky loans and the credit card debt that mysteriously keeps growing).

By doing this, you'll get a crystal-clear snapshot of your net worth and be better equipped to make savvy financial decisions. No need to be bashful; we're in this together, friend! 🤗

2. Analyze your spending habits.

Now, let's take a magnifying glass to your spending habits. Are you a shopaholic or a savvy saver? Track your expenses for a month and categorize them. You might find that you're spending way too much on online shopping or ordering in.

Be honest with yourself – it's the first step to improvement!

3. Where can you improve?

With a clear understanding of your spending habits, it's time to identify areas for improvement. Maybe it's time to cut down on those expensive lattes or start using public transport to save on fuel costs.

Remember, small changes can make a big difference! 💪

C. Budgeting is your friend!

It's time to embrace budgeting, your new BFF, as you plan for your family's financial future.

1. Creating a family budget together.

Get your partner on board and create a family budget together. Allocate funds for necessities, savings, and some fun too! Regular date nights are essential, even when you're budgeting. 😉

2. Adjusting to a single income.

If one of you plans to take a career break to care for your child, it's essential to prepare for the transition to a single income. Review your budget, cut non-essential expenses, and plan for the change. It might be challenging at first, but you'll be surprised at how well you can adapt when you work together. 💑

3. Tips to stay on track with your budget.

Sticking to a budget is easier said than done, but we've got some tips to help you stay on track:

  • Use a budgeting app to track your expenses in real-time.
  • Set aside a "fun fund" for guilt-free spending on hobbies and entertainment.
  • Review your budget regularly and make adjustments as needed.
  • Don't forget to reward yourself for achieving your financial goals – you deserve it! 🍨

With a solid understanding of your finances, you're now ready to build a strong foundation and plan for your child's future. So, let's dive into the next steps together! 🚀

III. Building a Strong Financial Foundation:

A. The importance of an emergency fund.

Let's face it, life loves to throw us curveballs, especially when we're busy starting a family. That's where an emergency fund comes in!

1. Why new families need one.

With new responsibilities come new expenses, like diapers, baby gear, and the occasional "parent's night out" for sanity. Having an emergency fund is like a financial safety net for those unexpected moments, like medical emergencies or job loss. It's always better to be prepared, right?

2. How much should you save?

As a rule of thumb, aim to save at least 3 to 6 months' worth of living expenses. Remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint! Start small and gradually build up your emergency fund. Soon enough, you'll have a financial cushion that'll make you sleep better at night. 😴

3. Where to keep your emergency fund.

Now, where should you stash this hard-earned money? Look for a high-interest savings account or a liquid mutual fund, where your money can grow without being locked away. After all, we want your money to be accessible in times of need!

B. Time to tackle your debt.

Debt can feel like that annoying relative who never leaves your side. Let's face it, it's time to kick debt to the curb!

1. Prioritize debt repayment.

Rank your debts based on interest rates, starting with the highest. Focus on paying off high-interest debts first, like credit card balances, while making minimum payments on lower-interest debts. You'll be debt-free before you know it!

2. Strategies to pay off loans faster.

Looking for some nifty tricks to speed up debt repayment? Here are a few:

  • Pay more than the minimum monthly payment.
  • Refinance high-interest loans to get lower rates.
  • Use any extra income, like bonuses or tax refunds, to pay down debt.

Victory against debt is just around the corner! 💪

C. Good credit is crucial.

A good credit score is like the golden ticket to your family's future. Here's why:

1. Why it matters for your family's future.

With a strong credit score, you'll be able to secure lower interest rates on loans, get better credit card offers, and even rent that dream home in a great school district. It's like a financial superpower that'll help you provide the best for your family.

2. Tips to improve your credit score.

Ready to polish up that credit score? Follow these tips:

  • Pay your bills on time, every time.
  • Keep your credit utilization low (under 30% is ideal).
  • Don't close old credit card accounts – they help build your credit history.

Now, go forth and conquer that credit score! 🦸

D. Saving for short-term goals.

Before we dive into planning for your child's future, let's not forget those short-term goals that make life a little sweeter. 😊

1. Establishing your priorities.

First, figure out your short-term goals – maybe it's a family vacation, a new car, or even a home renovation. List them down and rank them according to priority. It's all about striking the right balance between today's joys and tomorrow's dreams!

2. Strategies for saving on everyday expenses.

Here are some creative ways to save money for your short-term goals without sacrificing too much of your lifestyle:

  • Look for deals and discounts on groceries, dining out, and entertainment.
  • Consider cutting the cable cord and switching to a more affordable streaming service.
  • Opt for public transportation or carpooling instead of driving to work every day.
  • Repurpose, recycle, and upcycle – you'll be amazed at what you can create with a little imagination! 🎨

With these strategies, you'll be well on your way to achieving your short-term goals while laying the groundwork for your child's future. Now that's what we call a win-win! 🌟

IV. Planning for Your Child's Future:

It's time to put on your superhero cape and start planning for your child's future – after all, that's what awesome parents do! Let's break it down step by step.

A. Education costs – what to expect.

Education is the gift that keeps on giving, but it can also be a bit pricey. So, let's see what's in store for you.

1. The rising cost of education in India.

With inflation and the ever-changing landscape of education, the cost of schooling has been on a steady rise in India. A recent study found that the average cost of education in India has increased by about 150% in the last decade. Yikes! That's why it's crucial to start planning early.

2. Planning for different educational stages.

From preschool to higher education, each stage comes with its own set of expenses. Break down the costs for each level (like primary, secondary, and college) and adjust for inflation. This way, you'll have a clear roadmap of the educational journey ahead.

B. Saving and investing for your child's education.

Now that we know what to expect let's make sure your child's education fund is ready for lift-off! 🚀

1. Setting specific goals and timelines.

Set clear goals, such as "Save ₹15 lakhs for my child's college education by 2040." Having specific targets will make it easier to track your progress and stay motivated.

2. Choosing the right investment vehicles.

Consider options like the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana for your girl child, Public Provident Fund (PPF), or investing in equity mutual funds through a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP). These long-term investment options can help you grow your child's education fund over time. Remember, the early bird gets the worm – or in this case, a well-funded education! 🐦

C. Other child-related expenses to consider.

Beyond education, there are other aspects of your child's life that deserve your attention (and your wallet).

1. Healthcare and insurance.

Regular check-ups, vaccinations, and dental visits are essential for your child's well-being. Make sure you have adequate health insurance coverage for your entire family. And let's not forget about life insurance – it's a crucial safety net that'll provide financial support to your family in case of any unforeseen events.

2. Extracurricular activities and hobbies.

Whether it's soccer, dance, or robotics, extracurricular activities can enrich your child's life and boost their development. Set aside some funds for these pursuits – after all, who knows if you're raising the next Virat Kohli or Madhuri Dixit? 🌟

D. Leaving a legacy for your child.

Lastly, let's ensure your hard work and dedication leave a lasting legacy for your child.

1. Estate planning basics.

It's never too early to start estate planning. Consider setting up a trust to manage your assets and make sure they're distributed according to your wishes. Consult a legal professional to help you navigate the process.

2. The importance of a will.

A will is a vital document that outlines how you want your assets to be distributed after your passing. It's like leaving a love letter to your family, making sure they're taken care of when you're no longer around. Don't procrastinate on this – drafting a will can save your family from unnecessary stress and legal disputes later on.

By taking these steps, you'll be well on your way to ensuring a bright and secure future for your child. And let's be honest, there's no better feeling than knowing you've set them up for success!

So, give yourself a pat on the back, superhero parent – you've got this! 🦸👏

V. Achieving a Work-Life Balance:

Now that we've got your finances in order, let's talk about something just as important: work-life balance. After all, what's the point of all that planning if you can't enjoy your family time, right? Let's dive into some tips to strike the perfect balance. 🎯

A. Prioritize family time.

Family time is like that secret ingredient that makes everything better. So, let's make sure you're giving it the attention it deserves!

1. Make the most of your leave policies.

India offers some great leave policies, like maternity and paternity leave, and childcare leave. Use these benefits to bond with your little ones and create lasting memories. You'll never regret the time spent with family – we promise!

2. Create quality time with your spouse and child.

Plan family outings, game nights, or weekend trips to explore the rich cultural heritage of our beautiful country. The key is to be fully present and cherish those precious moments with your loved ones. Remember, even the mighty Taj Mahal wouldn't be as grand without the love story behind it. 💖

B. Balance career growth with family responsibilities.

Achieving your career goals is important, but so is being there for your family. Let's find that sweet spot between professional success and parental bliss.

1. Set boundaries at work.

Set limits on work hours and make sure you're not carrying your work stress home. As they say, "don't mix business with pleasure" – especially when it comes to family time.

2. Explore flexible work arrangements.

Consider options like remote work, flextime, or job-sharing, which are gaining popularity in India. These arrangements can give you the freedom to manage your professional and family responsibilities more effectively. Just imagine the joy of attending your child's school play without having to worry about missing an important meeting! 🎭

C. Manage stress for a happier family life.

Stress can be a silent enemy, creeping into your life and affecting your family's happiness. Let's learn some tactics to keep it at bay.

1. Self-care tips for busy parents.

Take some time for yourself – practice yoga, meditate, or indulge in your favorite hobbies. Remember, a relaxed and happy you is the best gift you can give your family. As the famous saying goes, "You can't pour from an empty cup." 🧘

2. Build a support network.

Connect with other parents, join local support groups, or lean on your extended family for help. Sharing your experiences and learning from others can make parenting more manageable and enjoyable. After all, it takes a village to raise a child! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

With these tips in your arsenal, you'll be on your way to achieving the perfect work-life balance, making your family life even more fulfilling.

Go ahead and enjoy the fruits of your labor, because you've earned it! 🎉

VI. Preparing for Parenthood:

Congratulations! You're on your way to becoming a parent, and we couldn't be more excited for you. But before you embark on this life-changing journey, there are some financial aspects you should consider. Don't worry – we've got your back. Let's prepare for parenthood like a boss! 🤰👶

A. Financial considerations for pregnancy and childbirth.

Having a baby is a beautiful experience, but it comes with its own set of expenses. Let's make sure you're prepared for them.

1. Prenatal care and delivery costs.

In India, prenatal care and delivery costs can vary depending on the city and hospital you choose. On average, a normal delivery in a private hospital can cost anywhere between ₹20,000 and ₹1,50,000 or more. Make sure to research and budget for these expenses early on to avoid any surprises later. After all, surprises are best left for gender reveals, right? 😉

2. Plan for maternity/paternity leave.

India has some great leave policies for new parents. Mothers are entitled to 26 weeks of paid maternity leave, while fathers can take up to 15 days of paid paternity leave. Make sure you're aware of your company's policies and plan accordingly. Remember, every day spent with your newborn is priceless. 🍼

B. Budgeting for baby essentials.

Babies may be tiny, but their needs can be huge. Let's make sure you're ready to welcome your little one without breaking the bank.

1. Prepare for your child's arrival.

From cribs and strollers to diapers and clothes, there's a long list of baby essentials to purchase. To keep costs in check, consider creating a baby registry or hosting a baby shower to receive gifts from family and friends. After all, sharing is caring, especially when it comes to baby expenses! 🛍️

2. Tips for cost-effective shopping.

Look for deals and discounts on baby products, buy in bulk, or opt for gently used items from friends or online platforms. Another great tip is to invest in multi-functional products like convertible cribs or high chairs. Trust us, your wallet will thank you later! 💸

C. Childcare options and their costs.

Once your parental leave ends, you'll need to arrange for childcare. Let's weigh your options and their costs.

1. Compare daycare, nannies, and family care.

Daycare centers, nannies, and relying on family members all have their pros and cons. In India, daycare can cost anywhere between ₹5,000 and ₹15,000 per month, while hiring a nanny could set you back ₹12,000 to ₹25,000 per month. Assess your needs, budget, and preferences to choose the best option for your family.

And don't forget, grandparents make the best babysitters! 👵👴

2. Understand government support and benefits.

India offers various government schemes and benefits to support new parents, such as the Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) and the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS). Research these programs and take advantage of the support available to you. After all, every little bit helps, right? 🇮🇳

Now that we've covered all the essentials of preparing for parenthood, you're all set to embark on this incredible journey. Just remember, while finances are important, love, care, and support are what truly make a family thrive.

Go ahead, enjoy every moment with your little one, and watch them grow and flourish in the loving environment you've created.

And hey, if you ever need a helping hand, we're always here to guide you. Cheers to your new adventure as parents! 🎉👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

VII. Planning for Major Family Milestones:

Life is a journey filled with memorable milestones. And as a loving family, you'll want to celebrate these moments together. So, let's put on our planning hats and make sure you're financially ready to create some unforgettable memories! 🌟

A. Saving for a family vacation.

Family vacations are a perfect way to bond, relax, and create memories that last a lifetime. But they can also be expensive if not planned well. So, let's plan your dream vacation without breaking the bank!

1. Set realistic expectations.

First things first, decide on a vacation that suits your family's preferences and budget. Remember, a vacation doesn't have to be extravagant to be memorable. Sometimes, a simple road trip to a nearby hill station like Matheran or Coorg can be just as enjoyable as an international getaway. 🚗

2. Tips for budget travel.

When planning your vacation, look for deals on flights, hotels, and activities. Consider traveling during the off-peak season, using public transportation, and eating at local eateries to save money. And hey, who doesn't love a good bargain, right? 😉

B. Preparing for your child's wedding.

Indian weddings are known for their grandeur and extravagance. But as magical as they are, they can also be quite expensive. So, let's ensure you're financially prepared for your child's big day without going into debt.

1. Understand cultural expectations.

India is a diverse country with various wedding customs and traditions. Understanding these expectations will help you plan and budget accordingly. And remember, it's okay to have a conversation with your child about their wishes and priorities. After all, a wedding is a celebration of love, not an exercise in excess! 💍

2. Strategies for saving and investing.

To save for your child's wedding, consider starting a dedicated savings account, investing in a fixed deposit, or exploring other long-term investment options. The key is to start early and stay consistent. So, by the time your child is ready to tie the knot, you'll be all set to make their dreams come true without any financial stress! 🎊

With these tips and strategies, you'll be well-prepared for major family milestones. Just remember, life's all about creating unforgettable memories, so enjoy these special moments with your loved ones and cherish them forever.

And, as always, we're here to guide you every step of the way. Happy milestone planning! 🥳

VIII. Conclusion:

Well, my friend, we've come to the end of our article. It's been quite a ride, hasn't it? Together, we've delved into the world of family planning, financial management, and creating the best possible future for your little one.

But remember, this is just the beginning of your journey. Let's take a moment to reflect on what we've learned and gear up for the exciting adventure that awaits you! 🌅

A. As we wrap up, remember that achieving financial stability and starting a family is a journey.

It's essential to remember that financial planning is an ongoing process, and starting a family adds another layer of complexity. But don't worry, we're confident that with the right mindset and strategies, you'll create a secure and loving environment for your family. 🏡

B. Are you ready to embrace the challenge and create a bright future for your child?

We know it's a big responsibility, but we also know you've got what it takes. With the right financial planning and a whole lot of love, you'll be well on your way to ensuring a brighter future for your child. 🌟

C. Let's recap what we've learned in this guide.

  • Understanding your finances and budgeting.
  • Building a strong financial foundation.
  • Planning for your child's future education and expenses.
  • Achieving a work-life balance.
  • Preparing for parenthood.
  • Planning for major family milestones.

D. What are your next steps for financial planning?

Now that you've got the knowledge, it's time to put it into action! Take the insights and strategies from this guide and start implementing them in your life. Remember, the key is to be consistent and keep your financial goals in sight. 💪

E. Stay motivated and take control of your financial future!

It's easy to get overwhelmed by the challenges of financial planning and starting a family, but don't let that hold you back. Stay focused, stay motivated, and remember that you're not alone. We're here to help you along the way, cheering you on and offering guidance whenever you need it.

So go forth, take charge of your financial future, and embrace the beautiful journey of parenthood. You've got this! 🎉

IX. Resources and References:

Hey, we're almost at the end, but don't worry – we're not leaving you hanging! We've put together a list of resources and references that'll help you continue your financial planning journey. From expert advice to online tools, we've got you covered. So, ready to dive into a treasure trove of information? Let's go! 🕵️‍♀️

A. Check out these recommended books and websites for financial planning.

Knowledge is power, and these books and websites are packed with wisdom to help you make informed financial decisions. Here are a few fan favorites to get you started:

B. Take a look at expert opinions and advice from financial advisors.

Seeking expert guidance is always a great idea! Here are a couple of Indian financial experts you can follow to stay updated on the latest trends and tips:

  • Raghavendra Nath, Managing Director at Ladderup Wealth Management
  • Kalpesh Ashar, Founder of Full Circle Financial Planners and Advisors

C. Don't miss out on government schemes and programs for child education and healthcare.

Our government has got your back! Check out these schemes and programs that aim to provide support for child education and healthcare:

  • Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY)
  • National Savings Certificates (NSC)
  • Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK)

D. Try out these online tools and apps for budgeting and investment tracking.

Technology is your friend! Make your financial planning journey smoother by using these popular online tools and apps:

  • Money Manager Expense & Budget App
  • Zerodha Coin for Mutual Fund Investments
  • ETMONEY App for managing investments and expenses

E. Connect with community resources for new parents and support groups.

Remember, you're not alone on this journey! Connect with other new parents and join support groups to share experiences, advice, and encouragement. Check out:

  • Local parenting workshops and classes
  • Online forums like BabyCenter India
  • Facebook groups for new parents in your city

And that's a wrap! We hope you found these resources helpful. Remember, planning for your family's future might seem daunting, but with the right tools and support, you'll be on the path to success in no time. Happy planning! 🎯

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Shuaib is a Marketing & Growth lead at Hubble. When he isn't working on growth initiatives, Shuaib writes fiction and doodles space monkeys.

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