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7 Matka Essentials for Your Kitchen: A Guide to Healthful Living

Last updated :
March 10, 2024

minutes read

Ever wondered why your grandmother's food always tasted so heavenly? Or why the water from that old 'Matka' in the corner of your house felt so refreshing during the scorching summer days? Well, my dear friends, the secret ingredient to both these mysteries is the same - the humble 'Clay Pot' or as we lovingly call it in India, the 'Matka'.

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Understanding the concept of "Matka",”Clay Pot” or "Earthen Pot"

Before we dive into the world of clay pots, let's take a moment to understand what a 'Matka' or an 'Earthen Pot' is. Crafted from the womb of Mother Earth, a Matka is a type of container made from clay. It's been a part of Indian households for centuries, serving as a natural refrigerator, a cooking pot, and sometimes even a decorative piece. But the Matka is not just a pot; it's a symbol of our rich heritage and a testament to our ancestors' wisdom.

  • Matka as a natural refrigerator: Ever noticed how water stored in a Matka stays cool even on the hottest summer day? That's because clay pots have tiny pores which allow water to evaporate, cooling the contents of the pot. It's Mother Nature's way of providing us with chilled water, without any electricity!
  • Matka as a cooking pot: Clay pots are also used for cooking in many parts of India. The slow and steady heat provided by these pots is perfect for slow-cooking dishes, enhancing their flavour and retaining their nutritional value.
  • Matka as a decorative piece: With their rustic charm and earthy appeal, clay pots also make for great decorative pieces. They add a touch of traditional elegance to any space they adorn.

The cultural significance of clay pots in India

Clay pots hold a special place in the heart of Indian culture. They are not just utilitarian objects, but symbols of our rich and diverse heritage. From the 'kulhads' used to serve tea at roadside stalls to the 'handis' used to cook delicious biryanis, clay pots are an integral part of our culinary traditions. They are also used in various religious and cultural ceremonies, further cementing their importance in our lives.

The next time you drink water from a Matka or eat food cooked in a clay pot, remember, you are not just consuming a beverage or a meal, you are partaking in a tradition that's been passed down through generations. A tradition that's as rich and diverse as India itself.

Now, are you ready to embark on this exciting journey exploring the world of clay pots? Let's dive in!

What is a Clay Pot?

Now that we've set the stage, let's get down to the basics. What exactly is a clay pot? Why is it so special? And what makes it an indispensable part of our culture and cuisine? Let's find out!

Definition and meaning of "Earthen Pot"

An 'Earthen Pot', also known as a 'Clay Pot', is a container made from clay, a natural and abundant material. The process of making these pots is as fascinating as the pots themselves. The clay is first moulded into the desired shape, then dried, and finally fired in a kiln to make it hard and durable. The result is a beautiful, rustic pot that's not just functional, but also eco-friendly.

But an 'Earthen Pot' is more than just a container. It's a symbol of simplicity and sustainability. It's a testament to our ancestors' wisdom and their deep connection with nature. And most importantly, it's a reminder of our roots, our traditions, and our heritage.

The material composition of a Matka

So, what exactly is a 'Matka' made of? The answer is in the name itself. 'Matka' is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Mrittika', which means 'clay'. So, a Matka is essentially a pot made from clay. But not just any clay. The clay used for making Matkas is usually a specific type of clay known as 'terracotta'.

Here's a quick look at what goes into a Matka:

Material Description
Clay The primary material used to make a Matka. It gives the pot its unique texture and colour.
Water Used to moisten the clay and make it pliable. It also helps in shaping the pot.
Fire Used to harden the pot and make it durable. The firing process also gives the pot its characteristic reddish-brown colour.

So, the next time you hold a Matka in your hands, remember, it's not just a pot, it's a piece of art, crafted with love and care from the very elements of nature.

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Different Types of Clay Pots

Just like the diverse cultures and cuisines of India, clay pots also come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and types. Each type has its own unique characteristics and uses. Let's take a closer look at some of the most common types of clay pots.


Earthenware, or as we commonly call it in India, 'Mitti ka Bartan', is perhaps the most traditional type of clay pot. Made from a specific type of clay known as 'terracotta', earthenware pots are known for their rustic charm and durability. They are typically unglazed and have a coarse texture. Here are some key features:

  • Perfect for slow cooking as they distribute heat evenly and maintain a steady temperature.
  • Adds a unique earthy flavour to the food that's hard to replicate in any other type of cookware.


Next, we have 'Porcelain' pots, also known as 'China Clay'. These are more refined and sophisticated version of clay pots. Here's what you need to know about porcelain pots:

  • Fired at very high temperatures, making them harder, denser, and more durable than earthenware.
  • Usually glazed and have a smooth, shiny surface, adding an elegant touch to your table setting.
  • The refined look of porcelain pots makes them perfect for serving dishes.


Then we have 'Stoneware' pots, which are a perfect blend of earthenware and porcelain. Here's what makes stoneware pots stand out:

  • Fired at high temperatures, making them harder and more durable than earthenware.
  • Usually glazed and have a smooth surface.
  • Can withstand high temperatures without cracking, making them perfect for baking.

Exploring the variety of clay pots available on Amazon

Now that we've explored the different types of clay pots, let's take a virtual shopping trip on Amazon. From traditional earthenware pots to elegant porcelain dishes, from rustic stoneware baking dishes to modern clay utensils, Amazon has it all. Here's a quick glimpse of what you can find:

  • Earthenware pots: These are perfect for slow cooking and adding a rustic charm to your kitchen.
  • Porcelain dishes: These are ideal for serving dishes and adding an elegant touch to your table setting.
  • Stoneware baking dishes: These are great for baking and can withstand high temperatures without cracking.
  • Modern clay utensils: A blend of tradition and modernity, these utensils are perfect for those who want to enjoy the benefits of clay pots in a modern design.

The Science Behind Clay Pots

Ever wondered why water stored in a clay pot tastes so refreshing or why food cooked in a clay pot has a unique flavour? Well, there's a science behind it. Let's delve into the fascinating world of clay pots and uncover the secrets behind their magic.

How does water kept in an earthen pot remain cool?

Have you ever noticed how water stored in an earthen pot or 'matka' stays cool even on the hottest summer days? This is due to a process called 'evaporation'. Here's how it works:

  • Earthen pots are porous, meaning they have tiny holes or pores in them.
  • When water is stored in the pot, some of it seeps out through these pores and comes to the outer surface of the pot.
  • When this water comes into contact with the hot air outside, it evaporates, turning from liquid to vapour.
  • This process of evaporation requires heat, which it takes from the remaining water inside the pot, thereby cooling it down.

So, the next time you drink water from a 'matka', remember, it's not just a pot, it's a natural refrigerator!

The process of "earthing" in clay pots

The process of making clay pots involves a fascinating transformation of the clay, a process often referred to as 'earthing'. Here's what happens:

  • Clay pots are made from a specific type of clay known as 'terracotta'.
  • When the pot is fired in a kiln at high temperatures, the clay undergoes irreversible changes. It becomes hard and durable, and can no longer be turned back into its original, workable state.
  • This transformation is due to the driving off of the so-called chemically bound water in the clay. In simple terms, the heat causes the water molecules in the clay to evaporate, leaving behind a solid, sturdy structure.

The next time you use a clay pot, remember, it's not just a pot, it's a marvel of science and nature!

Benefits of Using Clay Pots

Clay pots, or 'matkas', are not just traditional cooking utensils. They are a treasure trove of benefits that can enhance your health, your food, and even the environment. Let's explore these benefits in detail.

Cooking in Clay Pots

There's a reason why our ancestors preferred cooking in clay pots. And it's not just about tradition, it's about the amazing benefits that clay pots offer:

  • Retaining the nutritional value of food: Clay pots cook food slowly and evenly. They don't leach any chemicals into the food, unlike metal cookware. This helps to preserve the nutritional value of the food.
  • Enhancing the taste of food: Clay is alkaline in nature. When food is cooked in a clay pot, the clay interacts with the acidity in the food, neutralising the pH balance. This not only makes the food healthier but also enhances its taste and aroma.

Drinking Water from Clay Pots

Drinking water from a clay pot is not just a summer tradition. It's a healthy habit that offers several benefits:

  • Natural cooling of water: The tiny pores in the clay pot allow water to seep through and evaporate, cooling the water naturally. This is why water from a clay pot is so refreshing in summer.
  • Providing essential minerals: Clay is rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium, copper, and phosphorus. When water is stored in a clay pot, it absorbs these minerals, making the water healthier.

Environmental benefits of using clay pots

Using clay pots is not just good for us, it's good for our planet too. Here's how:

  • Biodegradable: Clay pots are made from natural materials that decompose over time, causing no harm to the environment.
  • Energy efficient: Clay pots retain heat for a longer time, reducing the amount of fuel needed for cooking.
  • No harmful chemicals: Unlike metal or plastic cookware, clay pots do not leach any harmful chemicals into the environment.

The next time you cook a meal or drink water, remember, choosing a clay pot is not just a healthy choice, it's an environmentally friendly one too!

Disadvantages of Using Clay Pots

While clay pots offer numerous benefits, they also come with their own set of challenges. It's important to be aware of these disadvantages to make an informed decision about whether clay pots are the right choice for you. Let's explore these drawbacks:

Delicate nature of clay pots

Clay pots are fragile and can easily crack or break if not handled with care. They are not as sturdy as metal or glass cookware and require gentle handling. Here are some points to consider:

  • They can crack under high temperatures, so they are not suitable for high-heat cooking methods like stir-frying or searing.
  • They can also break if dropped, so they need to be stored carefully to avoid accidents.

Porosity and its effects

The porous nature of clay pots, while beneficial in some ways, can also pose challenges. Here's what you need to know:

  • Clay pots absorb water, which can lead to longer cooking times.
  • They can also absorb flavours and odours, which can affect the taste of your food if the pot is not cleaned properly.

Potential for flavour change

Clay pots can alter the flavour of your food. The minerals in the clay can interact with the food, leading to a change in taste. While some people enjoy this unique flavour, others may not.

Heat sensitivity

Clay pots are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature. They can crack if exposed to extreme temperature changes, such as moving from a hot stove to a cold countertop. Therefore, it's important to heat and cool them gradually.

Possibility of fungus and moulds

Due to their porous nature, clay pots can retain moisture, which can lead to the growth of mould or fungus if not dried properly. It's important to clean and dry clay pots thoroughly after each use to prevent this.

Health concerns with glazed clay pots

While unglazed clay pots are generally safe, glazed clay pots can pose health risks if the glaze contains harmful substances like lead or cadmium. Therefore, it's important to buy clay pots from reputable sources and ensure they are labelled as lead-free.

Despite these challenges, many people still prefer clay pots for their unique benefits. With proper care and handling, clay pots can be a healthy and environmentally friendly addition to your kitchen.

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How to Select the Right Clay Pot

Choosing the right clay pot is not just about picking the one that looks the most attractive. There are several factors to consider to ensure you get a pot that's perfect for your needs. Let's dive into these factors:

Factors to consider when buying clay pots

When shopping for clay pots, keep the following points in mind:

  • Material: Ensure the pot is made from pure, natural clay without any harmful additives or glazes. The best clay pots are made from primary clay, which is naturally inert and doesn't react with food.
  • Heat Resistance: Clay pots should be able to withstand high temperatures without cracking. However, they should not be exposed to sudden temperature changes.
  • Size and Shape: Choose a size and shape that suits your cooking needs. For example, a wide, shallow pot is ideal for roasting or baking, while a deep pot is perfect for stews and soups.
  • Brand Reputation: Buy from a reputable brand to ensure quality and safety. Check customer reviews and ratings before making a purchase.

Best brands for clay pots

There are many brands out there offering clay pots, but some stand out for their quality and customer satisfaction. Here are a few brands that are highly recommended:

  • Romertopf: Known for their clay pot bakeware, Romertopf offers a variety of pots suitable for different cooking methods.
  • Reston Lloyd: This brand offers a natural clay Dutch oven that is perfect for slow-cooked dishes.
  • Ancient Cookware: They offer traditional clay bean pots and oval casseroles that are perfect for traditional cooking.
  • Raphael Rozen: Their Tagine cooking pot is perfect for Moroccan dishes.
  • TOIRO: They bring beautifully crafted Japanese donabe (clay pot) products for everyday use. They are the official US representative of Nagatani-en, a leading producer of authentic Iga-yaki (Iga style) donabe and versatile earthenware products from Iga, Japan.

Remember, the right clay pot can make a world of difference in your cooking experience. So, take your time, do your research, and choose wisely!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does matka purify water?

Yes, matka or clay pots do purify water to some extent. The porous nature of clay acts as a natural filter, removing impurities from the water. However, it's important to note that this doesn't remove all types of contaminants, so it's always best to use clean, safe water to start with.

Is terracotta utensils safe?

Absolutely! Terracotta utensils are safe for cooking and storing food. They are made from natural clay, free from any harmful chemicals. However, if they are glazed, it's important to ensure the glaze is lead-free.

Can you use metal utensils on clay pots?

It's generally recommended to avoid using metal utensils on clay pots. The hard metal can scratch or chip the pot's surface. Instead, wooden or silicone utensils are a better choice.

What is special about clay pots?

Clay pots are special for a number of reasons. They are made from natural materials, offer unique cooking benefits like heat distribution and retention, and can enhance the flavour of your food. Plus, they are environmentally friendly!

What are the uses of clay pots?

Clay pots have a wide range of uses. They can be used for cooking, storing water, serving food, and even for decorative purposes. In cooking, they are great for slow cooking methods like stewing and braising.

What are the different types of clay pots?

There are several types of clay pots, including earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain. Each type has its own unique properties and uses.

How long can you keep water in an earthen pot?

Water can be kept in an earthen pot for about 3-5 days. After this, it's best to refresh the water to ensure it remains clean and safe to drink.

Why is water kept in earthen pots?

Water is kept in earthen pots because the clay provides a natural cooling effect. Plus, the porous nature of the pot can help to purify the water.

What is an earthen pot to store water called?

An earthen pot used to store water is often called a "matka" or "ghara" in India.

What is the name of an earthen pot for water?

The name for an earthen pot for water can vary by region, but it is commonly referred to as a "matka" in India.

Is earthen pot good for drinking water?

Yes, drinking water from an earthen pot can be beneficial. The clay can provide a natural cooling effect and may impart essential minerals to the water.

Which pot is best for drinking water?

Earthen pots or matkas are often recommended for storing and drinking water due to their cooling and purifying properties.

Is clay pot water good for health?

Yes, water stored in a clay pot can be good for health. It can provide a natural cooling effect and may impart essential minerals to the water.

What is pot clay called?

The type of clay used to make pots can vary, but it is often referred to as "pottery clay" or "ceramic clay."

What is the cost of clay pots?

The cost of clay pots can vary widely based on factors like size, type of clay, and whether they are handmade or mass-produced. You can find a range of options to suit different budgets.

What is a clay pot and its uses?

A clay pot is a versatile vessel made from natural clay. It can be used for cooking, storing water, serving food, and even for decorative purposes.

Is it safe to cook in clay pots?

Yes, it is safe to cook in clay pots. They offer a unique cooking experience, enhancing the flavour of the food and retaining its nutritional value.

What are the disadvantages of pottery clay?

While pottery clay has many advantages, it also has some disadvantages. It can be quite fragile and prone to cracking, especially if not properly cared for. Additionally, it can be porous, which means it may absorb flavours and odours.

What are the disadvantages of clay pots for plants?

While clay pots are often preferred for plants due to their breathability, they do have some downsides. They can dry out quickly, which may require more frequent watering. They can also be heavy and fragile.

Does food taste better in clay pots?

Many people believe that food does taste better when cooked in a clay pot. The slow, even heating and the slight moisture retention can enhance the flavour and texture of the food.


Summarising the Benefits and Disadvantages of Clay Pots

Well, we've journeyed together through the fascinating world of clay pots, haven't we? From understanding their cultural significance and exploring the different types, to diving into the science behind their cooling and purifying properties, it's been quite a ride!

But let's not forget, every coin has two sides. While clay pots bring a host of benefits, they do have their share of challenges. They're delicate, can absorb flavours and, if not cared for properly, can even develop moulds. But hey, nothing good comes easy, right?

Let's quickly recap:

  • Benefits of Clay Pots:
  • They enhance the flavour and nutritional value of your food.
  • They provide a natural cooling effect for stored water.
  • They're eco-friendly, helping you do your bit for the planet.
  • Disadvantages of Clay Pots:
  • They're delicate and need to be handled with care.
  • Their porous nature can lead to flavour absorption.
  • Glazed pots may pose health concerns if the glaze contains harmful substances.

Encouraging the Use of Clay Pots for a Healthier Lifestyle

Despite the challenges, the charm of clay pots is hard to resist, isn't it? They offer a healthier, more natural way of cooking and storing water, aligning perfectly with our growing consciousness towards sustainable living. So, how about giving it a shot? Maybe start with a small cooking pot or a water matka, and experience the difference yourself.

Every step, no matter how small, counts when it comes to leading a healthier lifestyle. And incorporating clay pots into your daily routine could be a wonderful step in that direction.

So, let's embrace the goodness of clay pots and take a step closer to our roots, shall we?

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Shuaib Azam
Shuaib is a Marketing & Growth lead at Hubble. When he isn't working on growth initiatives, Shuaib writes fiction and doodles space monkeys.

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