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What is a gift card?
Also known as brand vouchers, gift vouchers and brand cards, gift cards are a digital mode of payment which carries a amount along with a pin / card no. You can buy these gift cards and use them to pay on 300+ brand online and offline as well.
Why should I use a gift card?
Gift cards help you get great value on your purchase with a brand. They simplify giving, help with budgeting, and are easily sent across distances, ensuring your thoughtful gesture brings joy and value.
How to use a gift card?
To use a gift card, simply present it at the time of purchase in-store or enter the card’s unique code at checkout when shopping online. The amount of your purchase will be deducted from the card's balance.

Trends in Corporate New Year Gifting

Last updated :
March 10, 2024

minutes read

Welcome to the festive season! It's that time of the year when we show love and appreciation, primarily through the exchange of gifts. For companies, this tradition of giving extends to their employees as well. Choosing the right New Year gifts for employees is a vital tool for fostering a positive relationship and motivating the team for the upcoming year.

Variety of corporate New Year gifts including personalized notebooks, eco-friendly items, and wellness gifts
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The Importance of Corporate Gifting

Discussing why corporate gifting is important, particularly during the New Year

  • Team Appreciation: Giving gifts is a demonstrative way to show your team members that their hard work and contributions are valued. Nothing spells appreciation better than a well-thought-out New Year's present.
  • Boost Morale: The right gift can lift spirits, instilling enthusiasm in the team for the coming year. A gift, even a simple one, can act as a morale booster, making employees look forward to what the New Year holds.
  • Motivation: Receiving gifts is known to stimulate motivation among employees. A gift that aligns with your employee’s interest can not only make them feel recognised but also encourage a more productive and engaged workforce.

Getting It Right: The significance of New Year Employee Gifts

When it comes to gifts, it's not always about the cost. It's more about the thought and effort invested in choosing that perfect present. For instance, if your employee is a bookworm, a recent best-seller or a book by their favourite author could speak volumes of your attention to their personal interest. Such tailored New Year employee gifts can foster a sense of belongingness and enhance your relationship with your employees.

Identifying Current Trends in Corporate New Year Gifting

Examining Trending Ideas for Corporate New Year Gifting

With trends quickly changing, it's key to stay on the pulse when it comes to corporate gifting:

  • Personalisation: Whether it's a notebook with the employee's name scribed on it or a custom piece of jewellery based on their style, personalised New Year gifts for employees are growing in popularity.
  • Eco-Friendly: As companies become more conscious of their environmental responsibility, eco-friendly, sustainable gifts are quickly setting a trend with bonus points for promoting a green message.
  • Wellness gifts: From yoga mats to fitness trackers, gifts that show you care about your employee's well-being prove to be highly appreciated.

Staying up-to-date with New Year Gifts for Employees

It's essential to stay up-to-date with the current trends when considering New Year gifts for employees.Combining trendiness with usability can create a winning gift formula that impresses your employees and shows them you're in tune with what's modern and fashionable.

Balancing Budget and Quality: Tips for Choosing New Year Employee Gifts

Offering Practical Advice for Balancing Budget Considerations and the Quality of the Gift

With numerous choices available, it's hard to balance the budget and the quality of the gift. Here are some handy tips:

  • Make a budget: Decide how much you are willing to spend on corporate gifting so that you don't go overboard.
  • Value over price: A thoughtful gift that aligns with your employee’s liking carries more value than an expensive, irrelevant one.
  • Bulk Orders: Ordering gifts in bulk might get you a fair discount without compromising the quality.
  • Quality matters: An inexpensive but low-quality gift can negatively impact your company's image. Ensure the gift, even if cost-effective, is of good quality.
  • Shop early: Shopping early can allow you to take advantage of discounts and can ease the last-minute rush.

Crafting a Balanced Gifting Strategy: Choosing Quality New Year Employee Gifts That Won't Break the Bank

It's often a challenge to find gifts that strike a balance between being cost-effective and high-quality. One doesn't need to compromise the other. Remember, you're looking for something that conveys your appreciation and suits your budget at the same time. Nothing beats a well-thought, carefully-selected gift that makes your employees feel valued as the year begins.

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Personalisation: Making New Year Employee Gifts Special

Exploring the Benefits of Personalisation

Personalisation can make a world of difference when it comes to corporate gifting. Here's why:

  • It adds a human touch: A pair of monogrammed cufflinks, or a pen with one's name inscribed, makes the gift more special and personal.
  • It shows effort: Going that extra mile to customise a gift reflects thoughtfulness and can make the employee feel valued.
  • It's memorable: A personalised gift is more likely to be remembered, serving as a constant reminder of your appreciation.

Amplifying Personal Touch: The Role of Customised New Year Gifts for Employees

New Year gifts for employees are not just items; they carry a message of appreciation and respect. A personalised gift can magnify this message, reminding the employee that they matter on a personal level as well as a professional one. For example, a travel mug with a custom message for that team member who loves their coffee on-the-go or a book from an author they like can create lasting memories.

Eco-Friendly Gift Ideas for a Sustainable New Year

Discussing the Growing Trend of Eco-Friendly Corporate Gifts

The trend of sustainable living has spilled over into the realm of gifting as well. Companies are now exploring eco-friendly gift options for their employees. The reasons are:

  • Environmentally-responsible: They reduce harmful impact on the environment, aligning with the growing global emphasis on sustainable living.
  • Encourage sustainability: Employees may be inspired to adopt greener habits, contributing to a more sustainable world.
  • Boost brand image: Your commitment to the environment can enhance your company's image in the eyes of your employees and customers.

Green Gifting: The Rise of Eco-Friendly New Year Gifts for Employees

There's a vast range of environmentally-friendly gifts to choose from; for instance, reusable tote bags, bamboo or stainless steel drinkware, or even plantable pencils.(each pencil contains a different kind of seed which can be planted when it becomes a stub). Offering such New Year gifts for employees is a thoughtful way to encourage sustainability and show your company's commitment to the environment.

Exploring Group Gifts: A Unique Approach to New Year Employee Gifts

Discussing the Concept of Group Gifts as a Cost-Effective and Inclusive Alternative

The concept of group gift >Comparative Shopping: Technology allows you to compare prices and reviews of several products before making the final call.

Leveraging Tech for Better Gifting: The Role of Technology in Choosing the Right Gift for New Year for Employees

Technology can be a game changer when it comes to picking out the perfect gift for New Year for employees. For instance, digital gift cards are a convenient and instant way to send gifts, especially for remote teams spread across different locations. They offer flexibility, enabling your employees to choose what they truly want or need.

s is not a new one, but it has gained popularity in the corporate space recently. Here's why:

  • Cost-effective: Pooling resources can allow you to give a more high-end gift without breaking the bank. For instance, a group can contribute towards a high quality piece of tech gear.
  • Inclusiveness: A group gift brings everyone together, fostering inclusivity. It promotes a sense of collective happy giving.
  • Feasibility: In larger companies, group gifting might be a more feasible option to ensure that everyone receives a gift.

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A Shift in Tradition: The Growing Trend of New Year Employee Gifts Given as a Group

Group gifts are not only a great way to ensure every employee receives something special but can also bring about >Comparative Shopping: Technology allows you to compare prices and reviews of several products before making the final call.

Leveraging Tech for Better Gifting: The Role of Technology in Choosing the Right Gift for New Year for Employees

Technology can be a game changer when it comes to picking out the perfect gift for New Year for employees. For instance, digital gift cards are a convenient and instant way to send gifts, especially for remote teams spread across different locations. They offer flexibility, enabling your employees to choose what they truly want or need.

New Year Corporate Gifting Regulation: Things to Keep in Mind

Choosing Christmas gifts for friends and family is always filled with excitement. However, when it comes to finding the perfect new year gifts for employees, it's not just about picking something that resonates with festive cheer. There is an extra layer of consideration needed to sustain the professional relationship, while truly appreciating and motivating your team members.

Grasping the Gift Gifting Policy

Before you start filling up your shopping cart with goodies, it’s vital to remember that corporate gifting often comes with a set of regulations. Companies usually have policies in place to ensure transparency and equity in gift-giving, so it’s best to review these before proceeding. This ensures that your kind gesture doesn’t unintentionally cross any lines or create uncomfortable situations.

The Budget Balancing Act

Another consideration that comes into play is the budget. Now, I understand nobody likes talking numbers when it comes to showing appreciation, but setting a realistic budget for new year employee gifts is crucial. It not only helps in managing company expenses but also aligns with fairness if your business has to cater to a large group of employees.

Conclusion: Embrace the Joy of Giving with Perfect New Year Employee Gifts

Gifting is an art, and when done right, it can reinforce bonds and create lasting memories. As we've explored, there are several nuances to selecting ideal Christmas and new year gifts for employees. I know it can feel a tad overwhelming, but hey, when have we ever backed down from a challenge, especially when it's all about spreading joy?

  • Always start by understanding your company's gifting policy - you wouldn't want to be the one red-faced for giving something too lavish or misunderstood!
  • Set a fair and sensible budget - this ensures no one feels left out and everyone enjoys the holiday spirit equally.

Now go ahead, bookmark this page for when you need a refresher on corporate gift-giving guidelines, or better still, share it with a mate or two. They might just thank you for helping them nail their Christmas and new year employee gifts selection. After all, we're all in this festive boat together, aiming to end the year on a high note with our thoughtful gestures. Cheers to that!

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Mithun MS
Mithun M S is a keen reader and enthusiastic photographer. He is passionate about travel which fuels his creativity. He's also a football fan and enjoys writing short stories and fiction

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