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Retirement savings strategies for Indian employees

Last updated :
March 10, 2024

minutes read


Hey there, we know what you're thinking - retirement planning in your 20s or 30s? That's way too early, right? Well, not really.

The truth is, the earlier you start planning for your retirement, the better off you'll be in the long run.

It's not just about saving money; it's about giving yourself the freedom to enjoy life after years of hard work.

So, take a deep breath, grab a cup of chai, and let's dive into some strategies that can help you secure a comfortable retirement.

Section 1: Understanding Your Retirement Needs

A. Assessing your retirement goals

Before you start investing, it's essential to have a clear picture of your retirement goals. Think about the lifestyle you want to have, the places you want to visit, and the legacy you'd like to leave behind. You know, the stuff that makes life worthwhile.

B. Estimating future expenses

Now that you have a vision for your retirement, it's time to do some math. Don't worry, we're not talking about rocket science here.

Let's make a rough estimate of your future expenses by considering your current lifestyle, possible changes, and the impact of inflation. We'll use a simple approach and make a few assumptions to illustrate the process.

Let's say your current monthly expenses are ₹50,000, which includes housing, food, transportation, utilities, entertainment, and other miscellaneous expenses.

Assume you plan to retire in 30 years, and the average annual inflation rate is 6.2%.

Using the future value formula, we can calculate the future monthly expenses:

Using the future value formula, we can calculate the future monthly expenses:

Future Expenses = Current Expenses * (1 + Inflation Rate) ^ Number of Years

Future Expenses = ₹50,000 * (1 + 0.062) ^ 30Future Expenses ≈ ₹50,000 * 5.743 ≈ ₹287,150

Based on this revised rough estimate, your monthly expenses in 30 years would be around ₹287,150, considering an average annual inflation rate of 6.2%. Keep in mind that this is a simplistic calculation, and it's essential to revisit your retirement plan regularly, making adjustments for changes in your life and the economy.

C. Inflation and its impact on retirement savings

Speaking of inflation, it's crucial to factor it into your retirement planning. With an average inflation rate of around 6.2% in India, your expenses are likely to double in just 18 years! So, if you're planning to retire in 30 years, you'll need a lot more money than you might think.

Section 2: Diversifying Your Retirement Savings Portfolio

Importance of diversification

Remember the old saying, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket"? That's precisely what diversification is all about. Spreading your investments across different assets can help you minimize risks and maximize returns.

A. Fixed deposits and savings accounts

Fixed deposits and savings accounts are conservative investment vehicles that provide guaranteed returns and help preserve your capital. They serve as a secure foundation for your retirement portfolio, ensuring that a portion of your savings remains unaffected by market volatility. Although they may not offer high returns, their stability and predictability make them valuable components of a well-diversified retirement plan.

B. Mutual funds and SIPs

Mutual funds pool investors' money to invest in a variety of assets like stocks, bonds, and other securities. They offer the potential for higher returns compared to traditional savings options, along with professional management and diversification benefits. Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) enable you to invest in mutual funds through regular, fixed installments, making the investment process more disciplined and manageable, and allowing you to benefit from the power of compounding and rupee-cost averaging.

C. NPS and EPF

The National Pension System (NPS) and Employees Provident Fund (EPF) are government-backed retirement schemes tailored to help individuals save for their retirement years. NPS is a voluntary, defined-contribution pension system, while EPF is a mandatory savings scheme for salaried individuals. Both offer tax benefits, a mix of equity and debt investments, and a steady income post-retirement. Including these schemes in your retirement portfolio ensures you receive a regular income, enjoy tax benefits, and have government-backed safety.


The Public Provident Fund (PPF) is a long-term, government-backed savings scheme that offers tax-free returns and principal protection. With a 15-year maturity period (extendable in blocks of 5 years), PPF provides a secure, tax-efficient investment avenue for long-term retirement planning. Its interest rate is usually higher than that of fixed deposits, making it an attractive option for those seeking safety and steady returns during their golden years.

E. Real estate and gold investments

Real estate and gold have been popular investment choices in India for generations. Real estate investments offer capital appreciation and rental income opportunities, while gold serves as a hedge against inflation and currency fluctuations. Although these investments may not be as liquid as other financial assets, they can contribute to long-term wealth creation and diversification of your retirement portfolio. Including real estate and gold investments in your retirement plan helps protect your savings from inflation and provides steady growth over time.

Section 3: Tax Planning and Retirement Savings

A. Tax benefits of various investment options

Saving on taxes is crucial for maximizing your retirement savings, as it helps you retain more of your hard-earned money. Several investment options in India offer tax benefits, which can significantly enhance your overall returns. Let's explore some popular tax-saving options for retirement planning:

  • ELSS Funds                                                                                                                                            

Equity Linked Saving Schemes (ELSS) are a type of mutual fund that invests primarily in equities. They come with a lock-in period of 3 years and offer tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. Investments in ELSS funds up to ₹1.5 lakh per annum qualify for tax deductions, making them an attractive option for tax-efficient retirement planning.

  • NPS                                                                                                                                                          

The National Pension System (NPS) is a government-backed retirement savings scheme offering tax benefits. Contributions made towards NPS are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80CCD(1), up to 10% of your salary (for salaried individuals) or 20% of your gross income (for self-employed individuals), within the overall limit of ₹1.5 lakh under Section 80C. Additionally, you can claim deductions up to ₹50,000 under Section 80CCD(1B), which is over and above the ₹1.5 lakh limit.

  • EPF                                                                                                                                                  

Employees Provident Fund (EPF) is a mandatory savings scheme for salaried individuals. Contributions made towards EPF are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C, up to a limit of ₹1.5 lakh per annum. The interest earned and the maturity amount from EPF are also exempt from tax, making it a popular tax-saving retirement option.

  • PPF                                                                                                                                                                            

Public Provident Fund (PPF) is a long-term, government-backed savings scheme offering tax-free returns. Investments in PPF are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C, up to ₹1.5 lakh per annum. Additionally, the interest earned and the maturity amount from PPF are tax-free, ensuring your long-term savings remain untouched by taxes.

  • Life Insurance Premiums                                                                                                                        

Premiums paid towards life insurance policies are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C, up to ₹1.5 lakh per annum. This includes term insurance plans, endowment policies, and Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs). Life insurance policies not only provide tax benefits but also offer financial protection to your family in case of any unforeseen events.

By incorporating these tax-saving investment options into your retirement planning, you can maximize your savings and build a sizeable nest egg for your golden years. Keep in mind that tax laws are subject to change, so it's essential to stay updated and consult a financial advisor for personalized advice.

B. Tax-efficient withdrawal strategies

It's not just about saving on taxes while investing; it's also crucial to have a tax-efficient withdrawal strategy in place. Plan your withdrawals in a way that minimizes the tax burden during your retirement years.

Here's a simple strategy to help you minimize your tax burden during your retirement years:

  • Understand withdrawal tax implications: Familiarize yourself with the tax implications of withdrawing from different investment options. This includes understanding the tax treatment of interest, dividends, and capital gains, as well as any exemptions or deductions available.
  • Prioritize tax-free withdrawals: Start by withdrawing from investments that have tax-free withdrawals. For example, PPF offers tax-free withdrawals on maturity, and the interest earned from EPF is exempt from tax if withdrawn after five years of continuous service.
  • Utilize the basic exemption limit: The Income Tax Act allows for a basic exemption limit, under which no income tax is payable. Plan your withdrawals in such a way that your total taxable income stays below the exemption limit, if possible.
  • Strategize capital gains withdrawals: If you have investments in equity or debt mutual funds, consider the holding period to optimize long-term and short-term capital gains tax. For example, equity mutual funds have a more favorable tax treatment for long-term capital gains (held for more than 1 year) compared to short-term capital gains.
  • Leverage tax-efficient income sources: Consider investing in tax-efficient income-generating assets like tax-free bonds or dividend-paying stocks, which can provide a regular income stream during your retirement years with lower tax implications.
  • Spread withdrawals over multiple years: If you have a large corpus in a particular investment, consider spreading the withdrawals over several years to avoid a sudden spike in your taxable income.
  • Regularly review tax laws: Tax laws and regulations change periodically. Keep yourself updated on any changes to ensure your withdrawal strategy remains tax-efficient.
  • Consult a tax expert: For personalized advice tailored to your specific financial situation, consider consulting a tax expert who can guide you in optimizing your tax burden during retirement.

By implementing this strategy, you can maximize your retirement savings and ensure that your golden years are as financially stress-free as possible.

Section 4: Technology and Retirement Planning

A. Using financial planning apps

In today's digital age, there's an app for everything, including retirement planning! These apps can help you set financial goals, track your investments, and stay on top of your retirement savings game.

Here are some popular financial planning and investment apps that can help you manage your retirement savings effectively:

  1. ETMONEY is a comprehensive personal finance app that allows you to invest in mutual funds, track your expenses, and manage your insurance policies. It also offers an intuitive retirement planner to help you estimate your retirement corpus and create a customized investment plan.
  2. Moneycontrol is a popular investment tracking app that provides comprehensive information about stocks, mutual funds, commodities, and more. It enables you to monitor your portfolio, track market movements, and stay updated on the latest financial news.
  3. Paytm Money is a user-friendly app that allows you to invest in mutual funds, stocks, and NPS. With features like goal-based investing, SIP calculator, and retirement planner, it simplifies the process of planning and managing your retirement investments.
  4. Kuvera is a free investment platform that offers goal-based financial planning, including retirement planning. You can invest in a variety of mutual funds, track your investments, and receive personalized recommendations based on your financial goals.
  5. Zerodha Coin is a direct mutual fund investment platform that enables you to invest in mutual funds without any commission. It helps you save on fees, which can have a significant impact on your retirement savings over the long term.
  6. Scripbox is an online investment platform that simplifies the process of investing in mutual funds. It provides goal-based planning tools, including a retirement planner, to help you build a customized investment strategy for your golden years.
  7. MyCAMS is a single-point access app for all your mutual fund investments. It enables you to track, manage, and invest in multiple mutual funds from various asset management companies.

These apps can help you stay organized, monitor your investments, and simplify your retirement planning process. However, it's essential to do your research and choose the app that best suits your needs and preferences.

B. Online investment platforms

Online investment platforms have made it easier than ever to invest in a diverse range of assets. They offer user-friendly interfaces, expert advice, and a wide variety of investment options, making it simple for you to build and manage your retirement portfolio.

  • Angel Broking is a full-service broker offering a wide range of investment options, including stocks, mutual funds, and derivatives. Their user-friendly platform, Angel iTrade, makes it easy for investors to manage their portfolios.
  • Motilal Oswal is a well-known financial services company providing a comprehensive suite of investment options. Their platform allows you to invest in stocks, mutual funds, commodities, and more, with expert advice and research reports.
  • ICICI Direct is a popular online trading and investment platform offered by ICICI Securities. It provides a seamless investing experience, allowing you to invest in stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and other financial instruments.
  • HDFC Securities is a leading stockbroking company that offers a wide range of investment options, including stocks, mutual funds, and fixed deposits. Their platform provides research reports, expert advice, and an intuitive interface.

C. Robo-advisory services

If you're not too keen on doing your own research, robo-advisors can be a great option. These AI-driven platforms provide personalized investment recommendations based on your financial goals, risk appetite, and investment horizon.

  • Smallcase is a unique robo-advisory platform that offers theme-based and sector-specific investment portfolios. It curates portfolios based on market trends, investment themes, and your risk profile.
  • Orowealth is a robo-advisor that provides personalized investment recommendations and offers zero-commission direct mutual funds. It takes into account your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon to create a customized investment plan.
  • Goalwise is a goal-based investing platform that uses robo-advisory algorithms to create personalized investment plans. It focuses on risk management and offers investment options like mutual funds and fixed deposits.
  • Piggy is a robo-advisor that simplifies the process of investing in direct mutual funds. It offers a clean interface, goal-based investing, and personalized recommendations based on your risk profile and financial goals.

These platforms and services can help you build and manage your retirement portfolio, offering various investment options, expert advice, and user-friendly interfaces. Remember to choose the platform that best suits your needs and preferences.

Section 5: Financial Wellness and Retirement Savings

A. The role of financial discipline

No matter how great your retirement plan is, it won't work if you don't stick to it. Financial discipline is crucial for long-term success, so make sure to stay committed to your goals and resist the temptation to splurge.

B. Avoiding common financial mistakes

We all make mistakes, but when it comes to retirement planning, some errors can be costly. Be mindful of common financial pitfalls like high-interest debt, overspending, and inadequate insurance coverage.

C. The impact of debt on retirement savings

Debt can be a significant obstacle to your retirement savings goals. Paying off high-interest debt should be a priority, as it can eat away at your savings and make it harder to achieve your financial goals.

Section 6: Planning for Unexpected Events

A. Importance of an emergency fund

An emergency fund acts as a financial safety net during unforeseen circumstances such as job loss, medical emergencies, or urgent home repairs. Building an emergency fund has several benefits:

  • Financial security: It provides a cushion to fall back on, reducing stress and anxiety during challenging times.
  • Prevents debt: With an emergency fund in place, you can avoid accumulating debt due to unexpected expenses.
  • Protects retirement savings: A well-funded emergency fund prevents you from withdrawing from your retirement corpus, ensuring your long-term financial goals remain intact.

Typically, it's recommended to have at least 3-6 months' worth of living expenses in your emergency fund.

B. Health insurance and its role in retirement planning

Healthcare costs can be a significant financial burden, especially during retirement. A comprehensive health insurance plan plays a crucial role in retirement planning by:

  • Covering medical expenses: Health insurance helps cover the cost of hospitalization, surgeries, and other medical expenses, reducing the financial strain on your retirement savings.
  • Offering tax benefits: Premiums paid towards health insurance policies are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, helping you save on taxes.
  • Ensuring peace of mind: Knowing you have adequate health coverage can provide peace of mind, allowing you to focus on enjoying your retirement years.

It's essential to choose a health insurance plan that suits your needs, keeping in mind factors such as coverage, premium, and network hospitals.

C. Estate planning and wills

Estate planning ensures your assets are distributed according to your wishes after your demise. It's an essential aspect of retirement planning, involving:

  • Creating a will: A well-drafted will outlines the distribution of your assets among your heirs, helping to avoid disputes and ensure your wishes are respected.
  • Nominating beneficiaries: It's crucial to nominate beneficiaries for your financial assets, such as insurance policies, mutual funds, and bank accounts. This simplifies the asset transfer process.
  • Setting up trusts: Establishing trusts can help manage and protect your assets, provide financial support to your dependents, and minimize estate taxes.

Estate planning may be a sensitive topic, but it's a vital aspect of securing your family's future and ensuring your hard-earned wealth is passed on according to your desires. Consulting a legal expert can help you navigate the estate planning process effectively.


Alright, let's do a quick recap of what we've covered in this guide:

  1. Understanding your retirement needs by setting clear goals and estimating future expenses, considering inflation.
  2. Diversifying your retirement savings portfolio with options like fixed deposits, mutual funds, NPS, EPF, PPF, real estate, and gold investments.
  3. Saving on taxes through various investment options and adopting tax-efficient withdrawal strategies.
  4. Leveraging technology, such as financial planning apps, online investment platforms, and robo-advisory services, for efficient retirement planning.
  5. Maintaining financial wellness by practicing discipline, avoiding common mistakes, and managing debt.
  6. Preparing for unexpected events with an emergency fund, health insurance, and estate planning.

We know that retirement planning can seem intimidating, but trust us, it's worth the effort. Starting today will give you a massive head start in securing the comfortable retirement you deserve. Plus, with all the resources and tools available at your fingertips, there's no better time than now to begin your journey.

For further information, you can explore various financial blogs, websites, or even consult with a financial advisor. Remember, you don't have to figure it all out on your own - there's plenty of help available out there. So, go ahead and take the first step towards a worry-free retirement. You've got this!

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Shuaib Azam
Shuaib is a Marketing & Growth lead at Hubble. When he isn't working on growth initiatives, Shuaib writes fiction and doodles space monkeys.

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